David Pomarino

Plantillas de Pomarino

Morphologic changes of adults with persistent tip toe walking



Some studies about the idiopathic tiptoe walking reported of possible complications such as deformaty of the feet and spinal
disantvantages, what makes necessary a punctual and appropriate therapy. For the first time this article represented the
results of interviews and physical investigations of 19 adults who specified to go an tiptoes since they began to run and
particularly the toe walking have persisted until today.

The toe walking persists with 68% since beginning of running until today. Further salient results are, that 79% of the toe walkers
suffer pain in the back, particularly (60%) in the lumbar spine, and know about a further case of tiptoe walking in their own family
is eminently concise. The assumption of a family amassment is stand to reason.

Also the praedisposition for damages in the spinal column and illnesses of the knee-joints is high. That results confirm with
statements in other publications, that an intensified therapy is necessary as soon as possible in infancy.


D. POMARINO, M. KLAWONN, S. STOCK and A. POMARINO - Pomarino Hamburg Germany


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